Hello June! This week brought us the end of the school year for Caleb and apparently the start of a hot Iowa summer!

Last Wednesday was this little dudes last day of kindergarten! I feel like his face has really matured from just the start of the school year and don’t even get me started gushing on how much he has learned. The kindergarten of today is sure not what it was when I was in school!  He has come so far from the scared child at a new school who didn’t know anyone to now being sad school is over and missing his new friends. I am so proud of this dude for working so hard every day! Bring it on first grade!

We had two baseball games this week! Josh was laughing at me because at our game Wednesday evening I wore jeans but was still freezing and complaining of being cold. At our Saturday game, it was 92 degrees and we were roasting and I was complaining of being too hot. I mean if that isn’t the best description of Iowa weather….. I don’t know what is. When we got in the car after his game on Saturday, Caleb told me that he felt like he was on fire. I get that buddy.


This is Caleb’s first time playing baseball (t-ball) and he’s loving it.  We’ve known for awhile that the kid has quite an arm on him so we were excited for this year to come when he was old enough to play. We are about a month into the season and it’s amazing how much he has improved.


I have to say though (and I mean this with a great deal of love), if you are looking for something to cheer you up and give you a little chuckle, t-ball games are the best. There are a lot of rules in baseball that are hard to teach at that age and you can tell these sweet boys and girls sure play their little hearts out.

Caleb also had a trip to the eye doctor this week. I don’t think I’ve mentioned before that we have been patching one of his eyes since around Christmastime to try to improve vision in his other eye. So far, we have only had to patch 4 hours a day which is the perfect amount of time from school pick-up until bed time. His vision has improved from 20/60 to 20/40 which is I guess when the drivers license restriction lifts. Our doctor decided this week that we should try to make a final push to see if we can get his vision to 20/20 and be done with this whole patching thing. She recommended that he wear his patch all waking hours for a month (28 days actually but who’s counting) and hopefully we will be done. Obviously, convincing a 6 year old to wear a patch over one of his eyes every moment the first month of his summer is not really an easy task. So far this has been challenging for us but today is day 6… and we are doing our very best.This week was apparently full of big things for Caleb!


The littler boys and I enjoyed the beautiful weather and Eli’s start to summer while Caleb was finishing his last few days.


When it’s 90 degrees plus heat index, you get home from Church and jump in the sprinkler. Church clothes and all. Love these silly boys!


Hope you all had a good week too!

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